-Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense

Monday, October 27, 2008

Life and all there is to it

.since i am very busy with o levels i decided to put a work of someone else...the poem below resmebles something else....about life and wat happens when u close ur eyes..its by some girl named Joannada Ritchie

To breath the air of each new day,
To glance upon a passing smile,
To catch the twinkle of a lovers eye,
To fill each day with meaning.

To feel the sorrow of those who struggle,
To shed the tears of a thousand fears,
To whisper strength through words unspoken,
To live in hope through dreams.

To dance upon the wings of wildness,
To chase the burst of a shooting star,
To melt into the vast great oceans,
To know the secrets of inner vision.

To stand before your friends and foes,
To know their hearts through wisdoms ways,
To hold a candle for those passed over,
To see their face as clear as day.

To touch the hands of those outstretched,
To see the glisten of the morning dew,
To feel the heat of fiery umbers,
To learn a lesson everyday.

The gifts of life are endless,
The blessings they are free,
And each new moment holds a truth,
Be what that may be.

Take every moment,
For what it has to offer,
Remember it may well be, that you may have to suffer.
To really know each moments worth,

Be it good or bad, not one of us can say
But one things real amongst it all,
That is plain and simple,
It is for us to have, and honour, and take what it will offer.

Sometimes when I close my eyes,
I'm there again.
I can touch and smell and see,
All the beauty of that time.
A time of innocence and freedom,
When I was safe and protected from harm.
And within that innocence,
Was there for me, the magic of natures gifts,
Given freely for me to enjoy.
Who would have thought,
So long after the time has passed,
That I could still close my eyes, and be there in my memory.
It was such a precious time,
And I never knew,
That it would embed itself in my heart forever.
Like a ghost from the past,
It melts into my soul and remains, gently rocking me,
Just like I was there,
When I close my eyes....

And TO Thoose Who enjoy my blog..i have good news..that i will be chaging my blog to a new one :) will tell details of it soon :)

DOnt Give a Damn Of Wat They say ...I aM In Love WIth U ...